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Aug 12, 2024
The History and Culture of Sanskrit: Why it's more than just a language

Origin of sanskrit

As we already know Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in the world which belongs to the Indo-European family.The oldest form of Sanskrit is ancient or Vedic sanskrit.There is no exact date for the language, as experts believe that around 1000 -1500 BCE.As per our Indian tradition Sanskrit as no beginning and ending.Because of that it is said as Devabhasha,God created it.In all languages, sanskrit language is said as divine in all means.

Sanskrit is used in most of the ancient religious texts like Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas…etc.Firstly, this language was used in Vedas later due to its magical power it spread in all fields.A wide range of texts which includes drama,poetry and religious texts are in Sanskrit.

Culture of sanskrit

Sanskrit is the most important language of Hindu texts which heds a rich tradition in religious texts in addition to music, drama,poetry,technical and others.It is not only a classical language but also has a knowledge of magical treasures of Indian culture. Sanskrit language carries the Indian tradition.Sanskrit has a rich history where in olden times the mathematical calculations and architecture tasks are explained first in Sanskrit texts.Today, Sanskrit is broadly used as ceremonial/ritualistic language in Hindu rituals in the form of mantras, recitation and meditation.

In essence,Sanskrit language has played a major role in Indian culture and spirituality.It also links in other aspects like music,dance and art.

Special features of Sanskrit:

  1. In Sanskrit, there are 48 basic sounds which are divided into vowels and consonants.
  2. It has 3 number cases: singular, plural and dual.Dual is the main highlight and speciality of this language.
  3. 3 genders: Masculine,feminine and neuter. This is another speciality of this language.
  4. Sanskrit has many groups of verbs and that is shown in basic tenses: present,past,future and perfect.
  5. In Sanskrit, word formation is very easy and sentence structure is flexible.
  6. As its name itself, it is systematized and perfectly structured.So easy to memorize things.

Why Sanskrit is not just a language!

It's not just a language like other languages. It is involved in all fields like agriculture, architecture,astrology,astronomy,mathematics,medicinal,spiritual etc.. Due to its divinity, it has a positive vibe. Most of the ancient texts are written in Sanskrit. Mantras and Slokas are written in this language. Everyone will chant sloka or mantras in our life,in that way we all experience the magic of this language.Sanskrit language has that positivity which is the most attractive thing than other languages.There is a vibration in the Sanskrit words even if it's not a sloka.People use Sanskrit mantras for healing. Reciting sanskrit mantras and slokas helps for inner peace of mind, body and soul.

It also helps to develop cognitive and motor development.Sanskrit language also offers health benefits.While using sanskrit letters, the contraction and expansion in your breathing functions as Pranayama.Which helps for our health.This language helps to enhance memorization skills and even cure speech defects. Sanskrit learning helps to boost the understanding ability of the brain.

Sanskrit is the most ancient language in the world but it is the most suitable language for programming computers.The grammar of Sanskrit is structured in the most systematic, logical and perfect way.So it is useful for Artificial intelligence and machine development.

It is not just a language to learn,it paves way for a lot of fields like teaching, astrology,language translator etc.This language is not only to learn,its magic spreads everywhere - health wise,career wise,economic wise and culture wise.Because of this superlative nature, Sanskrit is not considered as just a language like other languages.Like the name ‘Sanskrit’ itself, the language is pure,refined and perfect.

आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महान् रिपुः। नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः कृत्वा यं नावसीदति।। आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महान् रिपुः। नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः कृत्वा यं नावसीदति।।