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Vowels and Consonants

Vowels and Consonants

In this chapter we will learn about different types of letters in Sanskrit. Letters are composed of vowels and consonants.


The vowels are called ‘स्वराः’ [swaras] in Sanskrit.

There are three types of Swaras-

  • ह्रस्व-स्वराः [short vowels]
  • दीर्ख-स्वराः [Long vowels]
  • संयुक्त-स्वराः [Compound vowels ]


Short vowels

From short vowels all other vowels are made. Following are the short vowels in Sanskrit:


अ  इ   उ  ऋ  लृ


Long vowels

Long vowels are formed as a result of doubling the same short vowels.

आ  ई ऊ


Compound vowels

The combination of short and long vowels formed Compound vowels.

ए ओ ऐ औ

They are

  1. अ/आ + इ/ई = ए
  2. अ/आ + उ/ऊ = ओ
  3. अ/आ + ए = ऐ
  4. अ/आ + ओ = औ



ंं – अनुस्वारः    ंः – विसर्गः

They can exist only with the support of a vowel.

Example - अं, अः




In Sanskrit, consonants are called ‘व्यञ्जनानि’ [Vyanjanani].

The consonants are divided into different categories according to their places of articulation/pronunciation.


  1. Gutturals [कण्ठ्यः] -pronunciation is made in the throat.

क् ख् ग् घ् ङ् - the whole group is known as ‘क-वर्गः’

  1. Palatal [तालव्यः] -pronunciation is made with a part of the tongue generally touching the upper part of the mouth.

च् छ् ज् झ् ञ् - the whole group is known as ‘च-वर्गः’

  1. Retroflex [मूर्धन्यः] - pronunciation is made with the tip of the tongue curled up towards the hard palate of the upper part of the mouth.

ट् ठ् ड् ढ् ण् -  the whole group is known as ‘ट-वर्गः’

  1. Dental [दन्त्यः]- pronunciation is made with the tip of the tongue touching the upper part of the front teeth.

त् थ् द् ध् न् - the whole group is known as ‘त-वर्गः’

  1. Labial [ओष्ठ्यः] -pronunciation is made with the upper and lower lips.

प् फ् ब् भ् म् - the whole group is known as ‘प-वर्गः’

Some other consonants are there that don’t belong to this group. Let’s see it

  1. य्, श् - तालव्यौ


  1. र्, ष् - मूर्धन्यौ


  1. ल्, स् - दन्त्यौ


  1. व् - दन्त-ओष्ठ्यः


Let’s see some examples


 आ - आम्रम् – Mango

              औ – औषधम् – Medicine

 ऋ – ऋषिः - Sage


 च – चक्षुः – Eyes

 ग – गजः - Elephant

 प – पक्षी – Bird

Let’s practice!