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Introduction to Chapter
Level: 2
Words with Pictures

Words with Pictures

Little guru: Hey… Start the day with a game.

Rama: Game! What game?

Little guru: I will show some pictures and give clues also; you have to tell the name in Sanskrit. “Guess and tell Game”.

Rama: Okay… interesting!

Little Guru: Let’s start.


This is a parrot, right? What do we call it in Sanskrit? The word is more connected with the Sanskrit word for Dog. Guess it.

Rama: mmmmm……….. haaaaa Got it शुक:|

Little guru: Yes, you are right. Next one!


What does this picture resemble? Yes, right!Family! What do we call it in Sanskrit?

Rama: …..Ooops, don’t know!

Little Guru: Don’t worry. I will help you.Come, let’s play the game and learn the words together.